
Gedanken von Neale Donald Walsh, Deepak Chopra u.a.

in Gedankenraum 22.01.2011 14:51
von Danke | 15 Beiträge

"I have come to understand that all behaviors arise out of our beliefs, and that all beliefs arise out of our perceptions, and that all perceptions arise out of our perspective, and that all perspectives arise out of our awareness, and that all awareness arises out of our consciousness — and that, finally, all consciousness arises out of Beingness. In other words, what it is we are being from moment to moment."


zuletzt bearbeitet 22.01.2011 15:18 | nach oben springen


von Neale Donald Walsh

in Gedankenraum 22.01.2011 15:10
von Danke | 15 Beiträge

"Give everyone a sense of their own worthiness as a person, a sense of the true wonder they are. Give this & U will heal the world."

zuletzt bearbeitet 22.01.2011 15:18 | nach oben springen


von Deepak Chopra

in Gedankenraum 22.01.2011 15:19
von Danke | 15 Beiträge

"When you give, you show your appreciation to the source of all things."

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aus: Die neuen Offenbarungen von Neale Donald Walsh

in Gedankenraum 22.01.2011 15:25
von Danke | 15 Beiträge

CWG BOOK The New Revelations:

"Because there is one thing for which human beings seem willing to give up everything. They will give up love, they will give up peace, they will give up health, harmony, and happiness, they will give up safety, security, and even their sanity, for this one thing.


Being right. "

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